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HVAC Service Contract Pricing

  • RSI, Inc. recently assisted a major diversifying energy provider in deciding whether or not to increase the prices it charged for its non-regulated furnace, water heater and air conditioning (HVAC) service contracts. We completed our analyses in just a few weeks and provided market-based evidence that:

1.    Current prices could be raised significantly

2.    Our suggested price increases would generate additional annualized revenue of over $5,000,000 - an increase of nearly 40%

3.    Few, if any, existing customers would be lost and the vast majority of the price increase would flow through to the client’s bottom line, turning a prior-year $2,000,000 loss into a current-year $3,000,000 profit

4.    Suggested new marketing tactics to counteract that 50% of our client’s competitors who were advertising a lower price than our client, but providing significantly less service and coverage

5.    New service contract offerings with fewer bundled-in features would be well received if offered at or slightly below our client’s current offering price (thus minimizing customer attrition and reducing contract servicing costs)

6.    On an RSI, Inc.-price adjusted basis, over 85% of our client’s competitors were already charging more than our proposed new price.

RSI, Inc. would be pleased to work with you to help you increase your revenue and profits confidently through our analyses of rational and market-based options for your product pricing. 

  • Please use the Information tab below to request information or call: 203-438-4756.



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