RSI Business Case Model

Our Detailed Business Cases Include Two Major Components:

Business Case - Operating Scenario
  • A Thorough, Objective Articulation of the Business Concept, Structure, Objectives, etc. for the Delivery of Specified Products and Services to Selected Customer Segments in Defined Geographic Territories

  • In Articulating “How the Business Will Work,” We Consider the Client’s Human, Capital and Infrastructure Resources as well as What We Have Learned in Our Early Stage Findings, Including:

  • Customer Awareness of Various Products and Interest Levels at Various Pricing Points

  • Potential Customer Concerns about a Product’s Esthetics, Environmental Impact, Safety, Reliability, Maintenance, Resale Value

  • Similar Programs Implemented by Other Entities

  • Utility Industry Association Studies

  • Supplier Industry Studies

  • Other Available Databases from the Government, the Internet, etc.

Business Case - Pro Forma Financials

  • A Financial Translation of the Revenue Potential and the Marketing, Sales, Financial, Infrastructure, Operational, Management, Capital and Other Resource Requirements for All of the Products and Services Being Seriously Considered for Delivery to Customers.


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