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  • Our experts have worldwide experience in the energy field

Countries that our experts have worked in include the United States">
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  • Our experts have worldwide experience in the energy field

Countries that our experts have worked in include the United States, Canada, Mexico, Trinidad, EEC, Norway, Argentina, Bangladesh and India. Czech Republic, Viet Nam, China, the United Kingdom, Peru,  Tunisia and Colombia. 

  • Litigation support

Our experts have provided litigation support and settlement negotiations including expert testimony.  Some of our experts are members of the Federal Energy Bar Association. 

  • Areas of expertise in the energy and utility field

Areas of expertise include: Legal - Financial - Financing - Management - Pricing -  Engineering  Operational.

  • Industry Experience  

Examples of industry experience:

Tenneco Gas 

U.S. Department of Energy Petroleos de Venezuela

Texas Eastern

United Thermal Corporation Catalyst Energy Corporation


Washington Gas Light


   Northern Illinois Gas 

Kansas City Power & Light 

Con Edison

Brooklyn Union, Key Span Energy Gulf States Utility

FPL Group

 New York Power Authority

Baltimore Gas and Electric


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