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Strategic Segmentation of Commercial HVAC Markets 


 All Commercial HVAC market segments are   created equal.

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Strategic Segmentation of Commercial HVAC Markets 


 All Commercial HVAC market segments are   created equal.

But, some segments are more equal than others.

 (Adaptation from Animal Farm by George Orwell)

  • Our strategic segmentation not only helps you focus your marketing efforts, it also helps you measure and track market share and focus your acquisition strategy on those prospects whose customers’ profiles match your targeted customer, product and service and geographic segments.


  • RSI, Inc. can quantify the HVAC equipment and service needs in the replacement and new construction markets by state, MSA or county by the following commercial customer segments:
  • The hard part is to identify the “more equal” segments of your targeted markets and then develop a strategy that differentiates (Brands) your company from its competitors in those segments.
  • In order to differentiate itself, a business must first be knowledgeable about the unique market segments that exist in its targeted markets and also understand the unique requirements of those segments. RSI, Inc.’s team uses the best available databases and research from F. W. Dodge, Gas Research Institute, U.S. Census and our own proprietary primary research along with our experience, expertise and creativity to identify the preferred customer and product and service segments in your current or expansion territories.  

  • Stores and Restaurants 
  • Warehouses (excl. mfg.-owned)  
  • Dormitories
  • Parking Gar. & Auto Service 
  • Mfg. Plants and Warehouses  
  • Hotels and Motels
  • Office and Bank Buildings
  • Schools, Libraries, Labs (non-mfg.)  
  • Religious Buildings
  • Hospitals & Health Treatment  
  • Government Service Buildings
  • Misc. Non-residential Buildings 
  • Amusement, Social & Rec. Buildings

 RSI, Inc. would be pleased to work with you to help you differentiate your company from the competition and achieve your targeted market share. For more information on how we can assist you, please contact us at (203) 438-4756.



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